Friday, April 23, 2010

"A life worth living is a life worth reading about"

With great reluctance I had taken to reading, not too long ago. I'll have to admit I've surprised myself the most by how great it has been. Sure you could laugh at those outdated morons who still are into reading and writing - obviously these geeks dont really have any friends - this is pretty much what I would have said.

But I've come to realise how powerful reading can be. Come to think of it, the people and ideas who have shaped our lives are the ones we have read about. Nothing gives us a better insight into a person's life than his own version of it penned down.
A life worth living is a life worth reading about. This blog is about me - Ganesh Nayak. Rarely have I felt enough courage to express myself completely. This page is a personal invitation to all my friends and family to take a peep into my mind and my life. There are so many of you! Its very unlikely that we will meet often, but you can always catch me here minus the distractions of facebook :)

And its not just you who will be able to read this, future-me can too! I've always wished I could remember my childhood better. Well this is how I plan to record my life hereon, along with some past experiences I just have to share!

Well you might be wondering if my life will really be exciting enough for you to keep coming back...I assure you I'm working on it fulltime! I've taken a cue from Barney Stintson and have decided to be Awesome - All The Time :P

As enthusiatic as I am of putting this up, Im equally eager to read about you...yes You! The person sitting in your seat! So if you feel you would like to blog about yourself start now! You may never know the impact you could create on people through your sharing :) Feel free to comment, my second post is on its way...