Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Following My Ecstasy!

Its been a while since my last post. Im done with my 3rd year of engineering...hardly seems like it though! Anyway the most important thing is that I have 3 months off ! Absolutely loving it!

I spent the most part of May chilling out and wondering what to do in the 3 month vacation?? While I had hundreds of ideas swirling in my mind, I was invariably coming across books and videos of some extremely inspiring people - Usain Bolt, Steve Jobs and Richard Branson ( Thanks Akash) being my favorites. Ive also got a fair dose of philosophy from "The Secret". I cant help but think how simple it is to achieve whatever it is that we want - Happiness, success or whatever else it is that we want!

"Follow Your Ecstasy"

This is my chosen theme for life. There is one thing Im so sure about. whatever it is that I want, I will have it. whatever challenge Im up against Ill conquer it.However absurd the journey may seem Ill be living the life I want - all i gotta do is believe in me - especially when situations tend to make me look stupid! Very simple actually! Wouldnt u agree?

Yeah , I know you may be thinking what the hell Im talking about...LoL. Thanks to Mom, Vishesh, Rishabh, Ranjana, Michael and Akshay Kingar for believing me 2 days into my crazy dream!

Three goals by August 31, 2010

  • Get Fit
  • $ 1 million $
  • Weekend getaways that I enjoy so much
Seems impossible? How about believing I said its that simple :P