Sunday, May 2, 2010

Its been two decades since 3 May, 1990 and yet I feel brand new! May has always been the best time of the year for me. Particularly over the last few years, whether I intended to or not my life has always changed course in this very month. Really it always has!!!

Three years ago, I had to choose between the options I had handpicked for myself - design/archi/BBM - and not engineering. I had always been told it sucks! You would not believe me now but I still have no idea why and how a RVCE Mech seat came calling. I had not put in any effort whatsoever to get it, nor did I put any effort to get into design/archi/BBM. Lol so the only choice was Mech. I'm so glad I was lazy back then. My college life is so chilled and I love it! The first year of college is when I broke loose and enjoyed was crazy! Every now and then we would do things just for the heck of it. I remember ending that year with loyal visits to haze and mojos even during the sem exams!

In May 2008, things took a tremendous turn. I randomly signed up for a scholarship/internship with a all-youth company called People First...they were absolutely bonkers. I soon learnt that it was not really a scholarship or an internship but a leadership bootcamp. In the year that followed, my daily schedule included things like leading teams, meeting with CEOs of multinationals, consulting with entrepreneurs, and sometimes dancing to "apdi pode"! It was an extraordinary experience.I was gonna be on the founding team of a brand new placement business which we would build, all this at age 18! I was completely obsessed with it. But then again it was May 2009 and I quit in a matter of days. It was time for a change. I suddenly felt bland. I felt I knew so little. Seen so little of the world. I had to explore...

So began my journey, chasing adventure. For three months of 2009 - June,July,August - I lived outta my backpack. My travels took me across India For the most part, I had no idea what I was gonna do the next day (my friend Akash who was to tag along named it the FTP trip...F The Plan :P). I travelled to the extremes - from obscure villages to big city Bombay. From scaling the 5000m high Barlacha in the mighty Himalayas to hanging onto camels in the dunes of Rajasthan. From witnessing nature being destroyed in the mines of Bellary to watching it bloom in the monsoon rain in the Sahayadri ranges. It had the time of my life!

Little did I know that after this historic trip, I would be crippled in the most unexpected way. No sooner had I reached home, I had caught the Swine Flu ! It brought me to my knees. I couldnt talk, eat or do anything at all. I just lay there on my bed without a thought in my head. When I recovered after all those disgusting drugs pushed down my throat, I was so weak I would be tired by the time I reached the house door.

Call it cliche but I gotta say, Ive grown stronger after the illness. Ive put it a lot of effort ever since - physically, mentally ,emotionally - and Im as fit as ever. Dont believe me? Why dont you ask the ladies :P Apart from this Ive also realised how it is be I can understand how my mom feels when she has health problems and am able to help her cope with them.

Coming to the point of this blog, its 3 May, 2010. This coming year has got me all excited! Its the year Im going to be a 20 year longer a teenager! This year I will graduate. And Ive decided that this is also the year I am gonna take charge of my life. This year will be year I will lead my life powerfully.Ive met so many people, seen so many places, there is nothing more I can ask for. I want to deliver. Getting up by myself in the morning is just the starting :) I am so sure that this year will be the year I will find what my real passion in life is. I will follow my ecstacy without a second thought! What better day than this to kick start things! If you have read upto here thank you and go ahead, tell me if you have any thoughts after reading this :)


  1. Firstly, Happy Birthday !! secondly, your blog reminds me of a perfect quote : Adventures do occur, but not punctually ! :)

  2. @ nirja : haha nice one!!
    @akilesh : thanks for the encouragement !
